Learn to draw luscious locks in this workshop dedicated to drawing hair! From fabulous fros, charismatic curls and silky straight strands, this class will take you step by step through how to draw realistic hair. Hair has the power to make or break portraits in life drawing, but the good news is that by transforming the way you see and depict hair, you can avoid stringy, awkward drawings of hair for good. Plus, hair can give you an easy out if you’ve messed up the face on the figure you’ve been working on!
This class is part of Soho Life Drawing’s mini-class series designed to give artists of all levels—including complete beginners—a leg up in approaching life drawing. Choosing from a variety of poses and examples from contemporary art and art history, these comprehensive classes allow students to get a more in depth understanding of life drawing as well as one-on-one critiques for those who wish—who can send Ann a photo of one of their works from class for an additional visual mark-up.
This class is part of Soho Life Drawing’s mini-class series designed to give artists of all levels—including complete beginners—a leg up in approaching life drawing. Choosing from a variety of poses and examples from contemporary art and art history, these comprehensive classes allow students to get a more in depth understanding of life drawing as well as one-on-one critiques for those who wish—who can send Ann a photo of one of their works from class for an additional visual mark-up.