Art in 30 Minutes: Watercolors
Sunday August 6th, 7PM UK Time; (2PM EST, 11AMPT)
Learn watercolour painting technique while simultaneously creating a beautiful watercolour still life in this simply 30 minute class with paint-along instruction. We’ll start with a compact rundown of watercolours, colour mixing, and technique before moving on to a paint-along still life. Please bring red, yellow, and blue watercolours. After class there will be an optional 15 minute debrief with feedback, homework recommendations, and more.
In this class we’ll cover
-Creating Volume in Watercolours
-Paint technique: mixing, blending, and gradients
-Drafting and completing a still life
About the tutor: Ann Mackowski is an internationally exhibited, award winning watercolour artist. She’s taught for Buzzfeed, Liberty London, and the University Arts London and was featured on SkyArts Landscape Artist of the Year. She runs Private Art Events London and Soho Life Drawing in the UK and exhibits regularly with the Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours.
To learn more about Soho Life Drawing and Ann’s experience, please visit